Monday, November 19, 2007

Bigger kids, bigger prices...

Oh, the days of easy Christmas shopping. I remember being so happy to find the perfect little "hot" item for my children. Really, by little I am talking a $25.00 Polly Pocket van or playground or something like that. Not so today. It was just last year that she was so into Polly. Nope. Now Polly is "so not cool, mom-uh". Ok, then maybe a CD player? Yeah, right. Last year it was an iPod. Well, we opted for the Zen Micro because it had a FM player and I get tired of hearing, "can you change the station, please..." when we are driving. Annoying.

This year, the list has two items! Cool! Ha! One is a blackberry and one is "a bunch of Abercrombie and Fitch" clothing. I don't know about you but I have tolerated that store many times. I can't hear myself think and although it smells awesome when you go in, by the time you leave your head is pounding and your nose is clogged. Yes, some of the clothes are cute, but even the XL looks like a M. So...out of the question for me by far. Even if I did want to be cool.

I have a few weeks to work my magic on getting out of this one, but you know that "Mother Magic" is the best. I will keep you posted.

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